

Encore is like Yelp, but for concerts. It’s a platform for concert-goers and music lovers to view setlists and share reviews for their favorite artists and concerts. Users can search for artists (from the and Spotify APIs), follow their favorites, and see setlists from their recent tours (from the API). Users are authenticated with Google Firebase Authentication, data is stored with Firebase Firestore, and images are stored with Firebase Storage. I developed this iOS app with Swift.


Tripline is a hub for avid travelers to share their experiences and potential vacationers who are looking for inspiration. Like a combination of TripAdvisor and Instagram, it enables users to document and share trips they've taken in a social media post format. They can save all of their hotel stays, excursions, and photos for future reference and to preserve memories. Users are able to post and update trips they go on by adding images, descriptions, and other information about their vacations. I developed this Android app with Java.

Github repository

Autofill Trojan Check

This Autofill Trojan Check Chrome Extension automatically completes USC's daily required COVID symptom check form and texts the user with a screenshot of the resulting barcode for easy access. The user's credentials are encrypted with RSA upon submission of the form.

My team and I built the front end with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We built the backend with Python, Flask, Selenium, Twilio, and Google Firebase. We won Best Overall Project at the Scope Hackathon November 2021.

GItHub repository

Demo video link

USC Marketplace

USC Marketplace is a web-based platform that invites USC students to access and share various products such as furniture, textbooks, subleases, and other resources. Users create accounts which enable them to direct message other users, share posts, and follow specific threads.

I created this project with my team at the Scope Hackathon in April 2021 where we were awarded Best Overall Project. We worked with Google Firebase and Google Firestore for the back-end functionality of user accounts and products. We developed the front-end design using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

GitHub repository


UNI is an app for college students that anonymously connects them to study resources posted by fellow students, professor ratings and reviews, class discussions, and direct messages. By remaining anonymous, users can write honest reviews and contribute helpful material to the. platform.

I created this project with a partner at the Scope Hackathon in December 2020 where we won an Honorable Mention. We created a comprehensive prototype for the app using Figma.

Figma design link

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Screen Shot 2021-05-24 at 12.32.27 PM.png

Password Cracker

I developed a Python script to crack a series of MD5 hashed passwords. The program begins by taking a text file in as input. It then parses through it to store the plaintext passwords. In the main part, it hashes each password and through brute force, attempts to guess it. The program reports the time in seconds it takes to crack each one.

I analyzed the cracking of passwords of predetermined length and various character types to determine which types of passwords are more and less likely to be compromised. To create this, I utilized file input/output as well as multiple libraries and their associated methods.

Language Lab

Language Lab is an app that enables users to easily learn another language by reviewing key concepts, working through practice questions, and connecting with a native speaker in that language. The cornerstone of the concept is the pairing of a user with a native speaker in the language they want to learn. This promotes a truly authentic understanding of the new language and culture as well as a more accurate pronunciation of the words that cannot be learned through a textbook.

I coded and designed the user interface through’s App Lab in Javascript. See my demonstration video here. More information about this project can be found on my blog.