An aMAZEing Three Weeks

During the past 3 weeks, I attended the Creating Hardware and Software for Embedded Systems course at Stanford University. When I arrived on campus and walked into class on the first day, I was worried that my lack of experience with hardware would hinder my progress because I have never done robotics or manipulated motors, especially in combination with software. I had no experience with microcontrollers or wiring or, really, anything that had to do with computer engineering. I barely understood what an embedded system actually was. 

My Embedded Systems classmates, professor, and teaching assistants

My Embedded Systems classmates, professor, and teaching assistants

However, with guidance and inspiration from my professor and teaching assistants, I was able to develop a fully functional project that relies heavily on physical wires and motors while also incorporating code I wrote myself. By the end of the program, I learned how to wire an Arduino with sensors and lights, fabricate a functional and precise prototype using a laser cutter, and combine hardware and software with a Raspberry Pi. I loved having the opportunity to get a crash course in the physical components that produce embedded systems. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy the in-class content, but I also met an incredibly diverse group of people who, despite our common interest in engineering, enabled me to learn about different backgrounds and lifestyles.

I have become a more inquisitive, open-minded, and knowledgeable student throughout the past 3 weeks. This course encouraged me to work independently and use my resources, asking for help when I couldn’t figure something out. I became much more resilient when addressing and overcoming failure. Also, since I worked with a partner for my final project, I also became a more effective collaborator and learned a lot from her. Along with this collaboration, I learned how to live in a community with people from all different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences. I loved hearing about the variety of languages people speak (both verbally and with regards to coding!), the range of schools people study at, and the huge collection of hobbies people enjoy. I loved getting to know all kinds of personalities and interests. This made me more attentive, perceptive, and spontaneous.

Besides the non-concrete skills and relationships I developed, I also learned many engineering concepts. I learned how to program in C++, work with Arduino hardware, handle motors, utilize and connect wires to a breadboard, use sensors as input for a system, and fabricate prototypes using a laser cutter and soldering. The individual exploration through all of this hardware and software was helpful, but it was equally enriching to discover other people’s projects and hear about their ideas. All of the students in the Embedded Systems class are incredibly intelligent and innovative. I loved having the opportunity to see the wide range of ideas come to life through dedication and perseverance.

See the photos below to learn more about some smaller projects and my final project, a tilt-controlled maze. With another girl in my class, I laser-cut and constructed a maze, connected motors and soldered wires to a piece of hardware called a Circuit Playground, and programmed using C++ to create a functional maze that can be connected with another to race. See this link for our presentation and a video.