Communication Without Barriers

Each year, members of Congress from across the country encourage students in their districts to learn to code by administering the Congressional App Challenge. This contest invites students nationwide to produce apps that address problems locally, nationally, and globally. As soon as I heard about this opportunity, I was inspired and eagerly began developing an idea. I wanted this solution to be motivated by my own experiences and solve a problem in my life, so I focused on combatting the difficulty of learning another language.

At the showcase with Congressman Brad Schneider

At school, I take Chinese as my foreign language. The writing and speaking of Chinese are quite precise and difficult to perfect because of the complex characters and distinct tonal pronunciation, features that contrast significantly with many other languages such as Spanish. Throughout my three years of immersion in the language, I have noticed that consistent studying, as well as effective conversation practice, are essential to mastery.

With these objectives in mind, I developed an app called Language Lab using the coding language Javascript. By allowing users to meaningfully engage in another language, my app connects and unites people from around the world. Its features include Learn (which allows users to master the basic mechanics, grammar, and vocabulary of a new language), Practice (which notifies users to improve their skills with a variety of interactive exercises), and Chat (which enables users to connect with native speakers across the world and learn about their culture). The rare ability to connect personally with someone whom you have never met face to face-- while still learning meaningfully about their language and way of life-- motivated me to create this app, and I believe that its impact extends far beyond vocabulary flashcards. It can break the language barrier between cultures.

Last weekend, I was honored for my submission by Congressman Brad Schneider. The experience has inspired me to continue developing my passion for computer science.

Check out my submission on YouTube to see a walkthrough of the app.

GirlCon's Inspiring Impact

A few weekends ago, I attended an event hosted at Northwestern called GirlCon (see for more information). This conference, open to middle and high school aged girls, revolved around technology’s involvement in every career field. It aimed to encourage female empowerment. Throughout the day, girls attended breakout sessions that focused on specific topics, such as cybersecurity or art, and were led by influential professionals from numerous companies. The opening ceremony, lunch break, and closing assembly each featured an inspiring keynote speaker. The conference brought together a community of motivated girls as well as an accomplished group of amazing role models, providing the perfect opportunity for attendees to ask for advice and secure connections. The directors of this program, Kyla Guru and Molly Graton, stated that their goal was to make everyone feel empowered to reach their potential. After experiencing the conference, I must say that they achieved it.

See this video I’ve put together for a closer look.

A compilation of videos from an inspirational STEM conference at Northwestern on June 16, 2018